Japan Expo Thailand (JET2019) is probably the only regional event that has so much appeal and content (and other reasons) that it can entice wotas of South East Asia to travel abroad just for it. Idols, J-Music, Cosplay, you name it, JET2019 has it. And the names they bring in aren't just your run of the mill names either. I regard Japan Expo Thailand as the true BIGGEST J-Culture event in SE Asia.
Wished you can go JET2019? Just follow these 3 easy steps: book leave, book flight tickets and head due north. Snap your fingers and the wotas will be there. I am one of those wotas too LOL. In fact the faces I see in Singapore are here. This JET2019 is quite special as Akishibu Project is not one of the attendees and our local group Natsuiro Party were invited!
Theres a level of awkwardness during Ready To Kiss where I shout Ayuko's name but noone joins in. Uh-uh... I think I am the only Ayuko fan during this live. I cant shout alone.... support me~~ Settled for Ayuko and Momona at buppan. Momona is very very talkative and I felt she looks abit like Mashilo. I noticed this SAY-LA member who has this pretty matured look and emits this enticing aura. Found out her name is Fujisawa Izumi. Also spotted this SAY-LA member who looks so damn familiar, name I will disclose later.
Ticket get! Time to enter Siamdol Live! |
First event: Siamdol Idol Premium Live. Invitees include W (pronounced Double V, dont ask me why, the font put it as W), POPUP, Asuka Hazuki, local group Chone-bi, SAY-LA and Ready To Kiss. Naturally attend this event for Ready To Kiss. They announced this event quite last minute, thankfully I booked my flight a day early. I heard that Natsuiro Party were invited but cant attend due to different members with different itineraries. Anyways, since its 5 group invited, setlist for each group is quite short. Only during SAY-LA and Ready To Kiss, that more familiar faces start to appear in the crowd.
Inside the familiar venue again |
During Asuka's performance, she went down and pass me her microphone to shout "Urya Oi!" Uhh... I was taken by surprise after "maguro-ing" at the back thus my "HAI" were lacklustre. Honestly, her stage presence is damn good. She even did Romantic Ukare Mode which rekindles my inner pre-Hello Pro yakkai-ness.
Theres a level of awkwardness during Ready To Kiss where I shout Ayuko's name but noone joins in. Uh-uh... I think I am the only Ayuko fan during this live. I cant shout alone.... support me~~ Settled for Ayuko and Momona at buppan. Momona is very very talkative and I felt she looks abit like Mashilo. I noticed this SAY-LA member who has this pretty matured look and emits this enticing aura. Found out her name is Fujisawa Izumi. Also spotted this SAY-LA member who looks so damn familiar, name I will disclose later.
— 藤沢泉美🌹4月3日WWWXワンマン (@izumifujisawa) January 30, 2019
With Siamdol event done and dusted, its off to next event: Japan Expo Thailand!
Day 1! Its finally here1
My main plan is to watch Natsuiro Party. Why? One of their setlist is drop's なんにもいらない! FINALLY I can unleash the darn さくまMIX. Friday is quite chill and hung around with the Malaysian wotas for my cigarette breaks and buppan. First cheki is Double V, took with Reika. I think I'm going to jail coz she is 14 years old. Asked her for the angry pose. Next is Siam Dream. WHOOOOOOOAAAA, THE QUEUE'S LONG! There's a lot of Fern and Ice fans, I opt to take with Nico Minami instead. Well she's the only one wearing meganes, no brainer she be my first Siam Dream 2-shot.
Also met with Milcs Honmono. Icchan has turned "ah lian"! Sporting blonde hair now! Didnt go for the buppan, instead I took random photos of her and her group. Though getting their video greeting seems very very tempting.
During Natsuiro Party, went all out for なんにもいらない! In the end, our mix went haywire because it seems the only people that knows were not within our area. I went out of breath for the "don don chi chi" part, it invited silly stares from people. Oh well, just activate Yakkai mode anyways. Since I already went to see Ready To Kiss, I gave them a miss including the buppan.
Day 2, its Ready To Kiss time!
Fulfilled promise to see Ready To Kiss together with MBTF. STARLIGHT and Muteki Mode were awesome but as always, I cant muster enough strength to fully shout Ayuko's name. Headed to buppan afterwards. Both SAY-LA and Ready To Kiss were having buppan together and you can use the tokutentai tickets for both. Thank God that they have a special promo with you needing spend 300 Baht instead of 600 Baht for the 2-shot + sign. I gave Ayuko a present and she promptly hung it on her bag. Awwwww. Went for Hiromin too and she said she will remember my name. LOLOL, are you sure? I been going for your 2 shot since last year. And finally I found out that other SAY-LA's member name.
Its SHIOMARU! Sayama Shiho! She was previously in group Aoyama St Hachamecha High School (青山☆聖ハチャメチャハイスクール). Some years ago, she was that person participated in a CHEERZ event for the right to perform in Singapore. Sadly, she lost to nicamoq and we never managed to see her. Cant pass up the opportunity, went for her. Kinda nice to see her happy and smiling, big contrast to her being teary eyed when she lost that event. Though at the corner of my eye, I spy Izumi again. Sigh.
The blogpost about that CHEERZ event if anyone interested to read > http://xdanthemanx.blogspot.com/2015/08/the-untold-story-of-bpm15q-journey-to-singapore.html
Witnessed Bandjanaimon live in person, whoooaaa the crowd really went hyper. Luckily I opt to move away after the first song. I dont think I'll survive the "sumo" pushing. I think this group will appeal to the masses if they're invited here.
Because I prioritize Natsuiro Party's performance, I miss Romantic Ukare Mode done by Yuu Kikkawa. GAHHHHHHH, THIS IS THE 4TH TIME I MISSED HER PERFORM ROMANTIC UKARE MODE!!!!! Oh well, at least Yuu Kikkawa fans pestered me for a 2shot with her. I relented, goodbye 740 Baht!
Day 3, its the final stretch!
I had a terrible headache prior and I opt to give the whole main stage a miss. That includes Wasuta. Besides, Ready To Kiss is not performing, catch up on my sleep instead. Stepped out at 12:45PM and headed to the paid stage area.
The Malaysian wotas there pestered that I take a free mobile 2-shot with Wonderweed. Uhhhh, I dont know any of them and asked Malaysia's powerful ikemen wota Mamad for assist. I took with Yumeka. Since this is a free 2-shot, I assumed there wont be any talk time so I went off immediately. Imagine the shock on Yumeka and the staff's faces. Didnt realize it till my smoking buddy chided for not going. Ooooops, blunder~
Next is Sayumin! Headed to the stage after our lunch, LOL she still autotune. Somehow the Hello Pro feels comes back while listening to her. I saw the legendary Sayumin dakimakura! Some fan used it while queuing for her Meet & Greet session.
RTK removed their late evening buppan. Instead we have a free group shot. Thus that 2nd day cheki was their last cheki I'd have of them. I wanted a cheki with Izumi and Miho but oh well, no fate. During my turn, I heard Hiromin exclaimed "NAKITTY!" Finally you remembered. This is perhaps most priceless photo for JET 2019, I somehow had lotsa feels just being with RTK. Next is off to Wasuta free group shot, with Hachin appearing super duper cute. I stopped short of asking them do the... errr... SMACC pose. Ask them to do the "boss pose" instead. In between, randomly saw Asuka, asked her for a photo.
Lastly, went outside to meet fleramo. A-ya seems happy to see us, though main purpose is meeting Haon. Its her last performance as member of fleramo, once event is over she will be pursuing other aspects of entertainment. Glad to see her one final time.
I decided to send off RTK at the airport. Awkwardness yet again, we met them in the hotel lobby while waiting for our GRAB ride. At the airport, most of the members went to the fans present except Sakino and Ayuko. You know that scene where girlfriends send off boyfriends to Pulau Tekong? It looks like that. I felt like shit as I know my conversation with Ayuko would inadvertently be brief as both of us cant master Japanese or English respectively. Approached her and told her in complete English that I will miss her, she proceeded to reply in kind in Japanese. At the corner of my eye, I spied she still hung that plushie. AHHHHHH.
On a serious note, I actually cried at end of Day 2. Why? Miyatani Yue announced graduation during AKSB one man live. I expected graduation is imminent but somehow, memories of that amazing time I had with Yuechi kept flashing back. She felt like a very special friend, thus a long ass emo-iest tweet posted in my twitter. And with her graduation, this means this year is truly the year I be ending my idoru activities. To be honest, after that awkwardness with Ayuko, I dont know if I can bring myself to attend her final performance. Perhaps its the best I dont.
Cheki Obtained
3x Ayuko
1x Hiromin
1x Momona
1x Reika (Double V)
Ix Yuuri (Double V)
1x Asuka Hazuki
1x Yuu Kikkawa
1x Hitomi (Covergirls)
1x Nico Minami (Siam Dream)
2x Miki (Natsuiro Party)
1x Chan Mo Seng (Natsuiro Party)
1x Mome (Chonebi)
1x Mogo (Chonebi)
My main plan is to watch Natsuiro Party. Why? One of their setlist is drop's なんにもいらない! FINALLY I can unleash the darn さくまMIX. Friday is quite chill and hung around with the Malaysian wotas for my cigarette breaks and buppan. First cheki is Double V, took with Reika. I think I'm going to jail coz she is 14 years old. Asked her for the angry pose. Next is Siam Dream. WHOOOOOOOAAAA, THE QUEUE'S LONG! There's a lot of Fern and Ice fans, I opt to take with Nico Minami instead. Well she's the only one wearing meganes, no brainer she be my first Siam Dream 2-shot.
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Damn long queue |
Also met with Milcs Honmono. Icchan has turned "ah lian"! Sporting blonde hair now! Didnt go for the buppan, instead I took random photos of her and her group. Though getting their video greeting seems very very tempting.
Milcs Honmono! |
Icchan! |
During Natsuiro Party, went all out for なんにもいらない! In the end, our mix went haywire because it seems the only people that knows were not within our area. I went out of breath for the "don don chi chi" part, it invited silly stares from people. Oh well, just activate Yakkai mode anyways. Since I already went to see Ready To Kiss, I gave them a miss including the buppan.
Day 2, its Ready To Kiss time!
Fulfilled promise to see Ready To Kiss together with MBTF. STARLIGHT and Muteki Mode were awesome but as always, I cant muster enough strength to fully shout Ayuko's name. Headed to buppan afterwards. Both SAY-LA and Ready To Kiss were having buppan together and you can use the tokutentai tickets for both. Thank God that they have a special promo with you needing spend 300 Baht instead of 600 Baht for the 2-shot + sign. I gave Ayuko a present and she promptly hung it on her bag. Awwwww. Went for Hiromin too and she said she will remember my name. LOLOL, are you sure? I been going for your 2 shot since last year. And finally I found out that other SAY-LA's member name.
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Shiomaru! |
Its SHIOMARU! Sayama Shiho! She was previously in group Aoyama St Hachamecha High School (青山☆聖ハチャメチャハイスクール). Some years ago, she was that person participated in a CHEERZ event for the right to perform in Singapore. Sadly, she lost to nicamoq and we never managed to see her. Cant pass up the opportunity, went for her. Kinda nice to see her happy and smiling, big contrast to her being teary eyed when she lost that event. Though at the corner of my eye, I spy Izumi again. Sigh.
The blogpost about that CHEERZ event if anyone interested to read > http://xdanthemanx.blogspot.com/2015/08/the-untold-story-of-bpm15q-journey-to-singapore.html
Scene at Bandmon live |
Witnessed Bandjanaimon live in person, whoooaaa the crowd really went hyper. Luckily I opt to move away after the first song. I dont think I'll survive the "sumo" pushing. I think this group will appeal to the masses if they're invited here.
Because I prioritize Natsuiro Party's performance, I miss Romantic Ukare Mode done by Yuu Kikkawa. GAHHHHHHH, THIS IS THE 4TH TIME I MISSED HER PERFORM ROMANTIC UKARE MODE!!!!! Oh well, at least Yuu Kikkawa fans pestered me for a 2shot with her. I relented, goodbye 740 Baht!
Day 3, its the final stretch!
I had a terrible headache prior and I opt to give the whole main stage a miss. That includes Wasuta. Besides, Ready To Kiss is not performing, catch up on my sleep instead. Stepped out at 12:45PM and headed to the paid stage area.
Stage A. People are getting ready! |
The Malaysian wotas there pestered that I take a free mobile 2-shot with Wonderweed. Uhhhh, I dont know any of them and asked Malaysia's powerful ikemen wota Mamad for assist. I took with Yumeka. Since this is a free 2-shot, I assumed there wont be any talk time so I went off immediately. Imagine the shock on Yumeka and the staff's faces. Didnt realize it till my smoking buddy chided for not going. Ooooops, blunder~
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Yumeka (Wonderweed) |
Next is Sayumin! Headed to the stage after our lunch, LOL she still autotune. Somehow the Hello Pro feels comes back while listening to her. I saw the legendary Sayumin dakimakura! Some fan used it while queuing for her Meet & Greet session.
Sayumin on stage |
The Sayumin pillow! |
— ダニエル 🍑 Skoban🍑 おとももち感 🍑 No Live No Life (@realskoban) January 27, 2019
RTK removed their late evening buppan. Instead we have a free group shot. Thus that 2nd day cheki was their last cheki I'd have of them. I wanted a cheki with Izumi and Miho but oh well, no fate. During my turn, I heard Hiromin exclaimed "NAKITTY!" Finally you remembered. This is perhaps most priceless photo for JET 2019, I somehow had lotsa feels just being with RTK. Next is off to Wasuta free group shot, with Hachin appearing super duper cute. I stopped short of asking them do the... errr... SMACC pose. Ask them to do the "boss pose" instead. In between, randomly saw Asuka, asked her for a photo.
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Hi Hachin. Meet you again after bumping at Big C |
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Best photo ever! |
Lastly, went outside to meet fleramo. A-ya seems happy to see us, though main purpose is meeting Haon. Its her last performance as member of fleramo, once event is over she will be pursuing other aspects of entertainment. Glad to see her one final time.
All the best Haon! |
I decided to send off RTK at the airport. Awkwardness yet again, we met them in the hotel lobby while waiting for our GRAB ride. At the airport, most of the members went to the fans present except Sakino and Ayuko. You know that scene where girlfriends send off boyfriends to Pulau Tekong? It looks like that. I felt like shit as I know my conversation with Ayuko would inadvertently be brief as both of us cant master Japanese or English respectively. Approached her and told her in complete English that I will miss her, she proceeded to reply in kind in Japanese. At the corner of my eye, I spied she still hung that plushie. AHHHHHH.
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Ayuko has become much more warm and open now |
On a serious note, I actually cried at end of Day 2. Why? Miyatani Yue announced graduation during AKSB one man live. I expected graduation is imminent but somehow, memories of that amazing time I had with Yuechi kept flashing back. She felt like a very special friend, thus a long ass emo-iest tweet posted in my twitter. And with her graduation, this means this year is truly the year I be ending my idoru activities. To be honest, after that awkwardness with Ayuko, I dont know if I can bring myself to attend her final performance. Perhaps its the best I dont.
本日6thワンマンにて発表が3点ありました。— アキシブproject@2/15中野サンプラザ (@AkishibuProject) January 26, 2019
後程、それぞれ詳細をお知らせいたします。 https://t.co/9PN9LHTGec
Cheki Obtained
3x Ayuko
1x Hiromin
1x Momona
1x Reika (Double V)
Ix Yuuri (Double V)
1x Asuka Hazuki
1x Yuu Kikkawa
1x Hitomi (Covergirls)
1x Nico Minami (Siam Dream)
2x Miki (Natsuiro Party)
1x Chan Mo Seng (Natsuiro Party)
1x Mome (Chonebi)
1x Mogo (Chonebi)
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